domingo, 6 de julio de 2014

Bolsos de la otra Ana, los hizo para regalar a las profesoras de sus niños, dos pequeños de 3 y 7 años, nos contaba que el día que tenían que entregárselo estaban nerviosísimos por la gran ilusión que les hacía, ¡que criaturas mas ricas!. Las profesoras quedaron encantadas con sus regalos y los niños pletóricos, sin olvidarnos de la mamá que puso todo su cariño en la  realización, desde elegir las telas hasta el último detalle como hacerle una bolsita aparte incorporada en la parte interior para las llaves  y pequeñas cosas de esas que todas llevamos. 

Hand bags by Ana. She made them to give to her children's teachers. She has two small children, 3 and 7 years old. She told us that the day the kids were going to give the hand bags to the teachers, the kids were very nervous because they were very happy to give them to the teachers. What beautiful kids! The teachers were delighted with their gifts as well as the kids. Not to mention the mom who put all their love in making the hand bags, from choosing fabrics to every detail such as making a separate built on the inside for keys and small things.

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