Cartera realizada con la regla X blocks. En el festival de patchwork de Sitges compré dos una tamaño mini y otra mediana, esta cartera está hecha con la mini, se compone de 4 cuartos que se unen haciendo distintos distinto entrelazados, allí mismo me explicaron como hacerlo, al principio suena un poco complicado, para cuando se han hecho dos o tres la cosa se ve de otra manera.
Como veréis, en la foto de arriba, he hecho la parte delantera distinta a la trasera para que se vean dos de las múltiples formas que se pueden dar. Esta técnica me encanta y da mucho juego, es ideal para hacer caminos de mesa y por supuesto para cualquier otro trabajo.
Hand purse made with the rule X blocks. During the Sitges patchwork festival,
I bought two hand
purses, one small and one medium size. This hand
purse is a
small one and it consists of 4 squares that are joined using different interlaced. At Sitges, I was
able to learn this technique. At first I thought it was difficult but after
making a couple of them I realized it wasn’t that difficult.
As you see in the picture above, I made the front different from the back so you can see a different ways to make the hand purse. I love this technique! It is ideal to make table runners and of course for any other type of jobs.
As you see in the picture above, I made the front different from the back so you can see a different ways to make the hand purse. I love this technique! It is ideal to make table runners and of course for any other type of jobs.
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