martes, 17 de junio de 2014

Colcha realizada por Julia, se ha esmerado en el acolchado, parte ha sido libre, otro con doble arrastre y parte manual. Las aplicaciones con puntada invisible a mano. La colcha ha quedado preciosa, ha puesto mucho cariño en ella, en realidad lo pone en todo lo que hace, pero esta especialmente por ser para un recién nacido de la familia.

This quilt was made ​​by Julia. She worked very hard on the quilting. Part of the quilting was free, another double drag and other parts manually. The applications are done using blind stitching by hand. The quilt looks great. She put a lot of love on the quilt. The truth is that Julia always puts love into everything she does, but more so on this one because it is for a newborn in the family.

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